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As a start-up at the Husum Wind trade fair

Writer: Viola HeinzenViola Heinzen

ProTecBird was represented at the Husum Wind trade fair at the Young Innovative Companies stand with its AVES Wind Onshore system. As a start-up, the young, up-and-coming company was eligible for BAfA funding and, in line with the focus of this year's Husum Wind, "Digitalization and IT transformation technology for the energy transition", presented its product AVES Wind Onshore with original equipment.

Due to the exciting topic, ProTecBird was recognized by both the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Dr. Robert Habeck as well as the two members of the Schleswig-Holstein government Julia Carstens (State Secretary in the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Transport, Labor, Technology and Tourism) and Joschka Knuth (State Secretary in the Ministry for Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature). At the stand, visitors were able to find out and exchange information about how the AI-based anti-collision system AVES Wind Onshore works.

We would like to thank the Ministry of Economics and the BAfA for the opportunity to present ourselves at the Young Innovative Companies stand and also Dr. Robert Habeck, Julia Carstens and Joschka Knuth for their visit and the exchange at our stand.

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